Lola! Love

Author | Motivational Speaker | President and CEO of LHB Consulting & Coaching
Lola! Love is an author, life coach, and practitioner. As a high-energy life coach and practitioner, Lola! 's clients know that you must feel better for you to do better, and feeling better is all about vibrating with high energy and then going after everything you want. Love is a Bronx-born, Los Angeles based certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Speech Coach, Reiki Master, and Entertainment Consultant. A former dancer with Mr. James Brown has toured the world as his star dancer and as an ambassador of goodwill and the arts representing the United States of America.
Lola! went on to become a very successful Hollywood talent manager where she managed many young up-and-coming talents that you see on television and in movie theaters today. Lola! Love's background and expertise include working for the New York City Board of Education as a speech pathologist. Lola! Served as Vice President of the Talent Managers Association, Hollywood's largest and most respected Entertainment Managers organization. Now Lola! has the recognition and respect of her peers to be an honorary member because she served the organization and community of talent with excellence and integrity.
Lola! Love is a Distinguished Toastmaster and is called upon to speak, facilitate and lead workshops throughout her district in Los Angeles, CA, and present to clubs worldwide. Lola! 's coaching clients come from all aspects of life. It doesn't matter if you are a mother who desires to communicate better with her children or her spouse, a business owner, a lawyer who aspires better presentation skills, or a young actor who wants to book an acting job. Lola! teaches them all the secrets of self-love. Once you understand who you are, what you believe, and how you perceive the world, then she says, decide what you want, why you want it, and how you will feel when you get it, then you can have everything that you want.